Kamis, 11 Juni 2015

Obrolan Pinggir Sawah

Pukul 12.13. ada seorang petani muda pada pertemuan dan acara panen raya di BPP (Balai penyuluhan Pertanian) Kecamatan Kepohbaru, Bojonegoro. Orang ini cukup menarik menurutku. Dalam sebuah obrolan yang tak resmi ketika rehat melarikan diri dari acara, aku, pak penyuluh dan pak tani terlibat perbincangan lumayan serius di pinggiran sawah samping bangunan kantor BPP.
Katanya demikian: “wong tani iku asline penerus pejuang kemerdekaan 45. Cobo wae ora ana petani, wong sak Indonesia raya arep mangan apa? Lha pemerintah kui goblogk, wis ngerti penduduk Indonesia iku dominan petani kaet jaman Ken Arok, Ken Dedes, kaet jaman linggis kelem sampe saiki jaman linggis kambang, lha kok mala hora diurusi tenanan. Guwoblogk tenan diketok-ketokne! Lha ngene iki to mas asline kanca-kanca tani pingine demo, tapi wong tani kuwi ra kebiasaan polah to mas, ora biasa bengok-bengok. Piye arepe polah, mergawe ning sawah wae sampe geger melengkung mengkilat, mulih seka sawah awake pegel kabeh. Nek suwe-suwe diangel-angelne kaya ngene mending petani kabeh mboikot ora nanem babar blass, ben presiden sampe wong tani arep mangan apa, mangan duit?”
Kemudian ditanggapi dari lawan diskusinya yakni pak penyuluh, balasnya: “lha nek arep ngunu ya ndang dilakoni, tapi apa wani samean sekeluarga ora mangan? Ora ngunu pak, samean tetep nanem tapi terus ora didol, ngunu iku wis ta kelagepan pasar sak Indnesia raya, termasuk aku sing ngomong dan mas e sing no kene iki.”
Kalimat ditutup dengan semboyan “Wong tani makmur, karaoke maju!” Aku dalam hati ketawa cekikian sambal misuh, “Juancukk, bener tenan…!!”

Sebuah semboyan yang kreatif, sekali lagi:
Wong tani makmur, karaoke maju…


Rabu, 03 Juni 2015

Project "Beacon"

The theme of this essay is about how to build peace in the heart and mind. The meaning of peace itself, to me is a situation where a person feels all-sufficient with what they earn, thanks to the grace they have achieved, and they want others to be like them in achieving and getting what they want. People who have felt the peace he would be like a virus, they want to always spread “peace” virus in the new host, invites others to also be a virus. So as far as what I want to say is, peace is contagious and chained. Maybe it is the reason of the committee, to spread the “peace” virus.

Making Peace as the World
Today, as the world grows, it’s demands to us for greater progress. People in the past were demanding the days about civilization growth, and now is precisely the times that require us to pursue the world with his progress. Are we really ready with these demands, with this challenges? For younger generation, inevitably we must prepare and get ourself ready to "make peace" with these demands, peace with the times, be at peace with those around our environment, and even more so at peace with ourself. We have to prepare ourself to be the peacemaker in this “harsh” world. I remember what Jason Statham’s said in one of his movie, “Victory loves preparation!”
1.       Continuously learning
Learn in the broadest sense. Reading books of all genres like social and political, literature, philosophy, science, culture and others are also very helpful to soften the manners of younger generation, our generation. To learn is to improve the quality of each individual before joining the larger and broader community environment as the world itself.
2.       Strengthening religious beliefs
We all know that single religion in this world was never exist. What we need to do is to deepen our religious beliefs while upholding tolerance and respect of others. I understand with certainty, no religion that teaches bad things. Strengthen our religious belief as an individual to then blend as a whole for the purpose of goodness and peace in human mankind, together.
3.       Do sports
Building a healthy body will have a significant effect on the various activities that we will do. As we know together the proverb "Mensana en Corporesano", in a healthy body there is a strong soul. Sports also taught us to always act like sportsmanship in competition, persistent in achieving objectives. Sports that need to be elaborated as group game such as football, basketball, volleyball, etc. and also individual sports such as martial arts, athletics, swimming and others. Sports group is a good way to hone teamwork skills, while individual sports good to sharpen leadership skills in young generation.
4.       Joining social communities
Young people who have their self joining the social community will have a kind heart, more likely generous, and caring. They will have a nature to lend a hand to those in need, not awkward when required to unity in larger society, and has a high social sensitivity.
5.       Befriend with nature
There are many creative and exciting ways to befriends with nature, for example combined with recreation. Hikie a mountain, a visit to the beach, set up tents in the wild which at first only as recreation, then over time will growing up our soul to preserve the nature. To be a friend with nature is important, as we live in the middle of the world advances that seemed arrogant, we as young people and the generation below us will surely always need clean air that is free inhaled, blue seas, the wind that blows the clouds, green landscape which is free from rubbish. We must always coexist with the universe, and the simplest way is by not throwing the slightes trashes everywhere.

I dare to speak that the future is in our hands, the young people who already have to start a lot to learn. Every great journey begin as a single step, aren’t they? Through this article, we've been acting real even small. We are already transform ourselves to be one step brighter star in the dark of night. Let's share...

Written to join the 2015 International Essay Contest
"For Young People" Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of UNESCO